When should you add freebies to an order

Adding bonus gifts to orders is a way to build up customer loyalty.

Done right, the customer can feel like you're over-delivering value and there's a touch of surprise.

Deciding when to add bonus gifts can get complicated through.

The simple decision is every time. If your bonuses are inexpensive and you have enough to vary them, just add them. Even if you have to do a little bit of product development to create a low-cost order bonus, it could pay off.

The more complex decision would be to look at your metrics:

If you have the order volume, you could do a holdout test. That's where you mail some customers the bonuses while "holding back" the bonuses from other customers. Then compare if the bonuses were effective.

Eric Davis

Segment your customers automatically with RFM

Segmenting your customers has always been touted as a powerful marketing tool but many stores avoid it because it can be time-consuming.
Repeat Customer Insights will automatically segment your entire customer base for you based on the valuable data Shopify has already collected for you. Ranging from 5 to 30 to over 125+ different segments using RFM and other models, you can pick how much power you want to harness.

Learn more

Topics: Customer loyalty

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