The bitterness of losing long-term customers

Roses are red
Violets are blue,
Long-term customers are sweet
Except when they leave you.

If it weren't for customer defection, business would be so much easier. You'd just need a good product, a way to get the word out, and a way to deliver.

Since losing customers is a fact-of-life, you have to keep the relationship going. Customers aren't required to show you any loyalty. If a competitor has a better offer on a better product, you're likely to lose the customer.

Figure out how to keep your customers, like by using Repeat Customer Insights, and you'll have a much easier time growing your store.

Eric Davis

Promote products that create your best customers

When it's time to run a promotion, how do you pick the products to feature? Best sellers are okay but wouldn't it better to promote the products that crate the best customers? Repeat Customer Insights will analyze your product and buyer behavior to show which products and variants lead to the highest quality customers.

Learn more

Topics: Customer defection

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