Metrics for customer loyalty

You aren't required to have a loyalty program, but it still makes sense to track some metrics around loyalty.

The whole point around loyalty programs and loyalty in-general is to have customers coming back to buy again without you having to spend much to get them.

Given that, the primary metrics you want to track would be:

Notice how a lot of these are rates or best compared to your new customers. That's important to make sure your repeat customers are actually better buyers than your one-time customers.

Monitor those once per month or continuously with Repeat Customer Insights and you'll start to understand how valuable your customer loyalty is.

Eric Davis

Get a snapshot of your customer behavior

The sooner you signup for Repeat Customer Insights, the more comparison points your store will have. Each 1st of a the month a new snapshot is taken and saved to your account for analysis.

Learn more

Topics: Customer loyalty Metrics Repeat purchase rate Returning customer rate Customer lifetime value Average order value

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