A game for everyone - ecommerce personalization to the ultimate extreme

While in Las Vegas I noticed how many different games and slot machines there were.

There's a huge variety ranging from current movies, classic themes like westerns, all the way to obscure genres like 90s TV shows.

There was quite literally a game for everyone.

A friend of mine joked that soon all of the games will be played on a large flat-screen monitor. Each one will automatically switch to your favorite game when you walk up. (Probably powered by your Facebook account data)

While in Vegas this is scary and unsettling, it makes sense in your Shopify store.

All of these Vegas concepts are included inside personalization. Though it's much easier to personalize web content than physical casino hardware.

But before you can personalize anything, you need to watch your customer behavior. Repeat Customer Insights can help you analyze repeat customer behavior.

Analyze your winter holiday performance

Figure out how your winter holiday performed versus the rest of the year with the Winter Holiday report.

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Topics: Customer personalization

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