Focus on what matters with help from Repeat Customer Insights

Over the past few months, I've been writing on the need for businesses to focus.

Focus on what problems their products solve for customers.

Focus on solid acquisition channels.

Focus on improving operations and marketing to keep customers coming back.

That focus is the rationale behind building the new Focus Pages in Repeat Customer Insights.

Each page will focus on one aspect of ecommerce that is vital for long-term success.

They pull from multiple analyses to create a page dedicated to analyzing and solving a specific problem for your store. Each has metrics, graphs, advice, and ways to dig deeper into solving the problem.

The first two Focus pages are available now:

Who Are Loyal to help you figure out who your most loyal customers are and how to treat them better to retain them.

1-to-2 Customers to help convert one-time customers in repeat customers.

More Focus pages are being planned (and I'm collecting ideas for others). These two represent the biggest missed opportunities for Shopify stores so I wanted to get them out first.

If you care about finding your loyal customers or converting new one-time customers to repeat customers, I think you'll find these Focus pages useful.

If you haven't signed up for Repeat Customer Insights, it's an easy process. Just give it your Shopify store url and it'll walk you through the setup, import, and analysis process automatically. No code needed.

It comes with a 14-day free trial so you can see how it works before paying.

Eric Davis

Leaky funnel losing repeat customers?

Are you struggling to grow your repeat purchases? Install Repeat Customer Insights to equip your store with the insights it needs to increase your repeat sales.

Learn more

Topics: Focus page Repeat customer insights

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