Shopify articles - Page 55

Benchmark your Shopify store to find the important metrics

The garden's been going really slow this year. At first I thought it was just me. Perhaps I was doing something wrong. Bad seeds? Planted too early? Poor soil? Then I heard a lot of others in the city having trouble growing things this spring. Measured against them, my garden...

Deciding to close a weak product line based on customer behavior

At some point the time comes to consider closing a weak product line. The best reason is when that product just isn't creating good orders or customers. It might sell okay but the customers who buy it aren't coming back and buying again. Before you decide, check on your data....

Fighting back weedy customers

Yesterday I trimmed a neighbors hedge that's right on our property line. It's an aggressive grower so I have to do it every year. This year, there was a good two to three feet of overgrowth. I remember last year I only did a halfway job, intending to come back...

Comparing the year's metrics before it's complete

A Repeat Customer Insights customer was asking about comparing two different years. The problem was that one year wasn't completed yet. Comparing years is usually a great idea but you have make sure they are the same length. If the year's not over yet, then the absolute metrics will be...

Focus on a few strategies and keep your tactics a secret

While reading through my backlog, I found a post by Seth Godin that does a great job of comparing strategy and tactics. This line got me thinking: Strategies don't change. They're not a secret. It doesn't matter if your peers or opponents know your strategy. Tactics, on the other hand,...

Strong models are universal

A few months back I adapted Repeat Customer Insights so it can analyze itself. Meaning for my custom "store", instead of using Shopify for the data it uses it's own data for analysis. It's not a perfect match as ecommerce has different customer behavior than SaaS but the majority of...

Use your data exports to learn how your store evolves

Another benefit of taking regular exports from your Shopify store is that you can look back at the old data and do some data analysis on it. Data changes often over your store's lifetime and while you might have historic data, sometimes that historic data gets updated over time so...

Make your redesign worth it

This week I released an updated design for Repeat Customer Insights. (You can see some screenshots in the app page if you don't have an account). I've felt the need for a visual redesign for awhile now. Especially since the Shopify-like design library I used was no longer maintained or...

How to read a customer cohort report

Matt asked how to read the cohort report in Repeat Customer Insights: Can you explain how the Customers orders by cohort chart works? Let's use an example: The app segments customers into cohorts based on the first month they order in. So for example, all of the new customers who...

For more repeat customers, focus on getting second orders

Customer buying behavior shows patterns when you look across your store as a whole. One behavior that successful stores show is a high number of new customers coming back for a second order. It makes sense too. Every loyal customer started out as a new customer who bought again and...

Would you like a daily tip about Shopify?

Each tip includes a way to improve your store: customer analysis, analytics, customer acquisition, CRO... plus plenty of puns and amazing alliterations.