Shopify articles - Page 79

Simple and honest loyalty offers can be effective

We're members in a local store's loyalty program. They sent out an email last week, it was short but it thanked us for supporting them during the pandemic and gave us a small coupon. Nothing groundbreaking or innovative. Just a reason for the email and a simple loyal customer offer....

Send unsolicited samples to your best customers

Free samples are a great way to create interest for products your current customers are unfamiliar with. It could even be a different variant. A new flavor, different color, different material, etc. One thing I rarely see stores doing is to send unsolicited samples to customers. Instead of just talking...

Start more than what you need

Over winter I planted about 20 trees and shrubs, most of them dormant. Now as spring starts to warm everything up, the majority of them have come alive and started to grow. But a few haven't. I don't know if they didn't like being uprooted and shipped, the area they...

Put your best products on display

Your homepage is probably one of your most popular pages in your store. One conversion boost is to put your best products on display, front and center. Ideally, you'd use the products which produce the best customers (e.g. highest LTV) like what Repeat Customer Insights measures but you can settle...

I missed my four-year anniversary

I forgot my anniversary last month. Not my wedding anniversary... the anniversary of when I started to write these daily emails. Back in February 2017 I started them as an experiment. At the time I was writing weekly to educate people about topics my Shopify apps help with, but felt...

How a giveaway delayed or lost my order

Yesterday I told a story about an opt-in giveaway I signed up for (opt-in to win prizes from a few companies, etc, etc). Today I want to share some details about how that giveaway delayed an order for one of the companies. I was browsing this store and getting ready...

Giveaway promotions fail without developing your customer's behavior

I entered one of those opt-in giveaways a couple of weeks ago. You've probably seen them, it's a co-marketed by a few companies with a "win all these prizes" for opting in, social sharing, etc. I knew and trusted about half the companies so I wasn't worried about the spam...

Use practice to make your busy periods more effective

With the expansion of our garden we're anticipating a lot more veggies this year. Potentially more than we can harvest, eat, and give away. Over the winter we got a food dehydrator and have been practicing dying food for storage. It's a bit of work and unnecessary right now (who...

Give customers the information they are begging for

Yesterday I called in a wholesale grocery order and chatted with the salesperson a bit. Instead of just taking the order, he asked me some questions about what I was going to use things for. Turned out, because I've never learned the specific food service jargon I was ordering the...

Spread out your products and use as much space as you need

This week I've been working on updating the Shopify app pages for JSON-LD for SEO and Repeat Customer Insights. Shopify limits just about every field on there so I have to be brief and don't have the space to both explain what the apps do and answer frequent questions. On...

Would you like a daily tip about Shopify?

Each tip includes a way to improve your store: customer analysis, analytics, customer acquisition, CRO... plus plenty of puns and amazing alliterations.