I remember trying a whole bunch of samples of different brands and flavors of exercise nutrition. The ones I ended up sticking with, I bought many large containers of for years.
When you acquire a new customer you won't know if a customer is above-average or not. It'll probably take a few orders which can be months or years down the line. My first orders from above were small, probably $10-$15 each if even that.
That's why tracking customer behavior and how those segments evolve over-time is one of those important, not-urgent tasks. Which is something Repeat Customer Insights can help you with.
Sometimes even the best customers start with small, almost inconsequential orders. Especially with consumer packaged goods where preference matters.
Eric Davis
Leaky funnel losing repeat customers?
Are you struggling to grow your repeat purchases because your customers keep defecting? Use Repeat Customer Insights to find out where in their lifecycle you're losing them.