Start working on a broad holiday season plan now

This weekend and into next week you should start considering what your Shopify store will do for the holiday season.

You don't need to sit down and work through the weekend, but you should brainstorm some ideas and get your plans ready next week.

Usually it's best to do something similar to what worked last year but given how crazy 2020 has been, you might need to revise some of last years plans. Some still might work but be ready with a few backup plans if the first don't succeed.

Getting at least a rough plan now will give you time to at least know which ducks you need to get lined up.

To help jumpstart your brainstorming, Repeat Customer Insights includes dozens of recommendations and ideas based on how your store's actually performing.

It comes with a 14-day free trial so you can see how it works and get some ideas right away.

Eric Davis

Learn what your customers are actually doing instead of just guessing

One of the best ways to build a sustainable business starts by getting your customers to come back. Mastering that simple process can be difficult, but builds a lifelong business.
Repeat Customer Insights can help you understand your customer's behavior. With its collection of behavior reports, you can see what they're actually doing instead of guessing and having your efforts fall flat.

Learn more

Topics: Holiday marketing Strategy

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