Time your marketing to when a customer is likely to reorder

If your customer just ordered from you, it's probably not a good time to ask them to order again.

Yet this happens more often than stores care to admit.

Earlier this month I ordered some ginger plants from a store (based on an email reminder from them). Then not even a week later I got another email asking me to order some potatoes. Forgivable but definitely an "archive-unread" response.

Upselling and cross-selling during checkout and right after is fine, but asking for another order a week later is way too soon.

A better option is to time the next place an order email based on when customers are likely to purchase (Average Customer Purchase Latency). If they purchase every 90 days, then emailing 60 days after their last order to warm them up is way more efficient and likely to be positively received.

That's why Repeat Customer Insights measures your Average Customer Purchase Latency and has a full Order Sequencing analysis. With it you can see the cycles of your customers reordering and better time

Eric Davis

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Big sales numbers look great in November and December but they can hide your true performance. Get the facts on how your winter holidays stack up with Repeat Customer Insights.

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Topics: Email marketing Customer purchase latency Repeat customers

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