Shopify Dispatch Issue #153 - SEO ranking, Ecommerce automation

What Can I Do to Help My Store Rank in Search Engines?

Samantha Renée has created a SEO checklist for Shopify stores to get started with SEO. It's intended as starting point but it can also serve as a reminder for when you haven't reviewed things in awhile.

Ecommerce Agency Automation: Saving Time, Selling More & Launching Faster

An article from Andrea Wahbe describes a few different ways to automate work with Shopify Flow. Though it's written towards Shopify agencies and Shopify Flow is Plus-only, you might be able to take some of these ideas and adapt them to your store.

Segment your customers to find the diamonds in the rough

Not all customers are equal but it can be difficult to dig through all of your Shopify data to find the best customers.

Repeat Customer Insights will automatically analyze your customers to find the best ones. With over 125 automatic segments, it gives your store the analytics power of the big box stores.

My articles this week

How to select the next tactics to grow your Shopify store

JSON-LD for SEO now integrates with EggViews reviews.

Making an offer your customers never even considered

Email more, or better, or more betterer

Are you holding your Shopify theme up to an impossible standard?

Eric Davis

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