Look beyond the 25th for your selling season

This winter I'm going to try to start some tomatoes and peppers indoors while it's too cold outside for them.

It'll be an experiment as the process is new to me, but if it works I could get a few weeks ahead of the season come spring.

Similarly, you can try to extend your selling season.

We've all seen stores doing that by offering Black Friday deals early. Some as early as October now.

You can also extend the season at the end. Keep selling and making offers through the end of the month and into January. Kwanzaa continues until January 1st. Businesses making end of the year purchases to adjust taxes. And holiday shoppers self-gifting and buying "I-forgot" gifts still.

Unlike starting seeds, you don't need new equipment to extend your selling season. You just need to plan a few more campaigns for the year and get them ready.

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Eric Davis

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Topics: Holiday marketing

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