New: email subscriptions for Customer Cohorts

Continuing on my email all the things project for Repeat Customer Insights, it's now possible to subscribe to a specific customer Cohort and receive email updates every week or month.

That will let you monitor a group of customers and follow how their purchases evolve over time. e.g. how new customers from Black Friday buy.

All Repeat Customer Insights accounts with access to the cohorts can setup these emails now. There's no limit on the number of cohorts you can monitor or the number of email recipients.

If you haven't tried the app yet, it comes with a 14-day free trial so you can see how it helps before paying.

Eric Davis

Get a snapshot of your customer behavior

The sooner you signup for Repeat Customer Insights, the more comparison points your store will have. Each 1st of a the month a new snapshot is taken and saved to your account for analysis.

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Topics: Repeat customer insights Cohort analysis

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