Still time to attract customers organically

While the holiday rush is about to start, you still have time to work on attracting organic sales.

There's not enough time for most SEO. You might see some results next month but SEO generally is something that should be done six months ago.

SEO isn't the only organic channel though.

Blogging, content marketing, and email marketing are always humming along and can start showing results almost right away.

Just remember back to an email, article, or post that you saw in the past that caused you to jump into action.

You can be creating those all throughout the last weeks of the year. Even if you don't have a strategy all mapped out.

They won't be perfect (nothing really is) but they could contribute to your sales. Every little bit helps.

If you haven't signed up for Repeat Customer Insights, it's an easy process. Just give it your Shopify store url and it'll walk you through the setup, import, and analysis process automatically. No code needed.

Directive: Don't stop working on organic traffic sources.

Eric Davis

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Some products are best for new customers while other products shine with repeat customers. Find which products your repeat customers are coming back to buy again using Repeat Customer Insights.

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Topics: Holiday marketing Marketing Organic traffic

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