Shopify articles - Page 30

New: email subscriptions for Customer Cohorts

Continuing on my email all the things project for Repeat Customer Insights, it's now possible to subscribe to a specific customer Cohort and receive email updates every week or month. That will let you monitor a group of customers and follow how their purchases evolve over time. e.g. how new...

Real example of building customer loyal with a note

I've written about how an easy option to build customer loyalty is to send personal or customized notes to repeat customers along with a free gift. A few days ago I ordered tea from a shop I've bought from twice in the past. All three orders have been under $100,...

Using value math to sell to B2B customers

Value Math is an interesting concept from the product development world. It's way of measuring how much expected value a product produces and compares that to the cost of the product. (The Finance-world with a capital-F have a few similar concepts but they require a BII financial calculator) Value Math...

Newly released: email subscriptions for Customer Exports

Continuing on my email subscriptions focus, it is now possible to schedule automatic exports from Repeat Customer Insights. These exports include all of the analyzed customer data as well as many of the reports, all in a standardized format. Like the other email subscriptions these can be run every week...

Sell gift cards to acquire customers and build loyalty

Behavior-wise, it's best for a customer to purchase again for their own purpose. But not all merchandise can sell that way, especially with big-ticket items like dining tables, computers, or blenders. Sometimes you'll get repeat purchases for them but it'll be rare. Selling gift cards might be an option. If...

Metrics to track the health of returning customers

A customer recently asked how to track the health of returning customers. There isn't one universal metric but if your most loyal segments are growing faster than the overall average (or defecting ones) that's a clear signal. You'd just need to figure out what loyal means to you. In Repeat...

Newly released: email subscriptions for Customer Grades

I've just released an improvement to the Customer Grades report in Repeat Customer Insights. Now every store can signup to have your customer grades emailed to you automatically every week or month as part of the email subscriptions initiative. I'm pushing to get as many of the reports emailable as...

Prevent and recover defecting customers

Once you start looking for customer defections and waning loyalty, you might find that you've been losing a lot more customers than you thought. Often new customer acquisition overshadows customer retention so you don't realize there's a problem until you go looking for it. Fixing retention will help your profitability...

Build customer loyalty one personal email at a time

Customers want to feel special. Giving them discounts and incentives can do that but often feel shallow because they know 100s or 1,000s of other customers got the same thing. An alternative is to send a personal email. Not an automated one where the software filled in FIRSTNAME. I'm talking...

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Each tip includes a way to improve your store: customer analysis, analytics, customer acquisition, CRO... plus plenty of puns and amazing alliterations.