Shopify articles - Page 81

Designing a data analysis to remove risk

I'm getting ready for Spring in the garden but starting too early risks losing some plants to sudden cold. Last week I found a set of data with Portland's high and low temperatures from 1938 to today in a simple format. So I loaded that data up, ran a simple...

How attention melts the snow

This weekend we finally had the last of the snow melt away. Even though we've had above freezing temperatures all week and a bit of sun, there were some areas that were still covered a week after the storms left. All due to angles. The snow fell downward but due...

An ACME catalog of customer segmenting options

There are an infinite number of ways to segment customers. Repeat Customer Insights includes a few of the more effective ones. Which methods you use will depend on your goals and to a lesser extent, your brand. Here's a few off the top of my head that cover: how recently...

Run a sale next week in your Shopify store

Every now and then it can be useful to run a sale. Especially during a slump. You'll get a quick infusion of cash, be able to clear out some inventory, and the activity can pull you out of your slump. They'll work for most brands, though some might want to...

Start conversations with your customers to find improvements

Portland just wrapped up a major snow and ice storm. Word is that it set some records for how crazy it ended up being. Yesterday I did a walk around to check for any damage as the ice was melting and happened to chat with a neighbor who I haven't...

Half your products sell less than the average

"Half your products sell less than the average" I saw a passage like this while reading a business book. It's a simple statement with simple math behind it but it should make you stop and think. If half your products are selling below average, are they worth promoting? There are...

Create timely marketing campaigns ahead of time

Friday morning we woke up to the first snow of the season. About an inch and a half by our measure but it was sticking which was an improvement over prior storms. With the snow comes a bunch of emails from local companies about the weather, the storm, etc. Timely,...

How extra shipping communication saved my day and seven trees

Our first tree order was delivered on Wednesday and the second is due later today. Since they are live plants and from local-ish nurseries, they both shipped out with next-day delivery, one after the other. That meant I received the shipment confirmations and had to scramble to get the planting...

Cutting down problems to make room for growth

Yesterday I cut down two yew trees that were causing problems. They were too close to the house, blocked the view of the front door (confusing visitors), and the branches were starting to separate making them look like a 90's mohawk. I hate cutting down trees but since we have...

Be clear on why customers should come back to your Shopify store

Today's a short exercise for you. Take one minute and write down the top reason why customers come back to your store to buy again. Keep it short. Done? Now open your store's homepage and start a timer. How quickly can you find a mention of that reason on your...

Would you like a daily tip about Shopify?

Each tip includes a way to improve your store: customer analysis, analytics, customer acquisition, CRO... plus plenty of puns and amazing alliterations.