Shopify articles - Page 2

Diagnose and prescribe to solve problems

One core thing I learned while consulting was diagnose and prescribe. This basic two-step process was required whenever working with a client. Diagnose would look at what was going on and try to identify the root cause of the problem. Prescribe would then try to fix that problem. Oftentimes clients...

Compare customer behavior by acquisition channel

One of the biggest influences on your customer behavior is what initial channel they were exposed to and what messages they received in that channel. Customers coming in from a "50% closeout" ad seen in Google will behave vastly different than customers who read a business profile on you in...

Invest in your product copywriting

When you create or manufacture your own products it can be difficult to get them stand-out. Especially in competitive industries like in Consumer Packaged Goods where there are often dozens if not hundreds of competitors. You wish the product would stand on its own by virtue of how awesome it...

Treat customers differently

From Seth's Blog: It's okay to treat some customers differently, but first it pays to figure out who you're dealing with and why you want to re-allocate your resources. I'd go as far to say it's impossible to treat all customers the same even if you wanted to. Customers who...

Customer retention programs should improve customer behavior

Customer retention programs come in all shapes and sizes. Some focus on your best customers, others focus on your worst, while others only happen at specific times. The goal of all of your customer retention programs should be to upgrade your customers. In some way make customer behavior better in...

Upset loyal customers shout the loudest

Upsetting and losing a loyal customer is going to cause much more damage to your brand than you might think. A one-time customer who gets bad service will eventually chalk it up to a bad experience, just like the 100s of others they had. You still might get hit with...

Brand loyalty starts before the first purchase

Many years ago as a teenager I worked at a commercial door shop. A lot of what I did was to pull orders and get the door hardware ready for delivery. Door handles, hinges, thresholds, weatherstrip, etc. Door handles were a particular interest to me. Every door had at least...

1st to 2nd Repeat Purchase Rate as your main retention metric

Sometimes I hear from customers who get overwhelmed with the different metrics in Repeat Customer Insights or even Shopify's reports. My app measures a lot of metrics because it has to work for all different types of Shopify stores. Different stages of their life, different needs, and all trying to...

Learn how customer groups behave over-time with a cohort report

One of the main reasons you might use a customer cohort report is to understand how a group of customers behave over-time. Most of the time it'll even be to understand how a group of customers acquired in a specific month behaved. The way the cohort reports are arranged, you'd...

Email marketing is your highest leverage channel

When it comes to marketing your Shopify store, email marketing is one of the strongest strategies you have. With a little bit of effort each month and maybe a few hundred dollars you can reach thousands of your best customers and prospective customers. Then when you factor how well those...

Would you like a daily tip about Shopify?

Each tip includes a way to improve your store: customer analysis, analytics, customer acquisition, CRO... plus plenty of puns and amazing alliterations.